Sunday, October 16, 2011


It's been too long since my last post--I promised myself i'd post something new at least 3 times a week and obviously I failed miserably at that this week, but I really didn't have anything fun or exciting going on...until today!
Today was my first day volunteering for the Humane Society.  For those who know me, you know I love animals.  I have been extremely blessed with a husband who let me take some time off work to focus on school; and while school does take up a ton of my time I was able to secure an awesome internship and even had some time left over to volunteer with something very near and dear to my heart.  For those of you who may not be familiar with the Humane Society, please check out their website  They work very hard to provide homeless animals with a safe and enjoyable place to live while they wait for their forever homes.
Today, I got to fix kongs for the dogs and distribute them...needless to say, they loved them!  Giving them the kong was the easy part...going in to get it was a whole different story!  I had 2 pups get loose on me and had to chase them down the hallway, but I eventually (with the help of some other staff/volunteers) got them leashed and back in their holding run.  Every dog I got to interact with was so amazing and just wanted to be loved...I'll never be able to understand how anyone can mistreat an animal.
I also had my puppy pal orientation today and can now start to care for the puppies...i'm not sure how i'm going to be able to not stick one in my purse on the way out though!
The best part of my day was being able to help find Kelsey a forever home.  Just as I was finishing up I had a family that wanted to play with some of the dogs...we tried several, but from the moment we got outside I think everyone knew Kelsey was the one for was the best feeling in the world to leave knowing I got to help so many deserving dogs.  They were filling out her adoption papers as I left--hopefully everything worked out and Kelsey will be sleeping in her new home tonight!

I strongly encourage anyone even thinking of adding a pet to their family (dog or cat) to adopt.  There are so many animals that need a home and will repay you a thousand times over for adopting them.  If you're not in the Louisville area you can always check out for a great list of adoptable animals in your area.

Also, for anyone who is thinking of volunteering, but doesn't know where to get info is a great site!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend and is enjoying this amazing fall weather!

1 comment:

  1. I decided to come back and comment on the post that made me want to get a pet. If only I had time to care for it. Oh well.

    Great Blog!

